Think & Drink: Geothermal Energy

Heirloom Rustic Ales 2113 E. Admiral Blvd., Tulsa, OK, United States

What is Geothermal Energy? Our expert gives us an overview of this often-overlooked renewable energy resource. Our monthly science talks return with night all about geothermal energy—a renewable energy resource that holds "enormous untapped potential" according to the U.S. Dept. of Energy. We've invited an expert on the topic to teach us all about how […]

Maker Faire Tulsa 2021

Exchange Center at Expo Square

Maker Faire Tulsa is an award-winning, family-friendly event celebrating technology, education, science, arts, crafts, engineering, food, sustainability, and making of all kinds. In 2021, Fab Lab Tulsa celebrates its ninth maker faire anniversary and takes pride in being one of the longest continuously running faires in the world!

Think & Drink: Invitation to Dream Work / Accessing Infinite Depths in Shallow Times

Heirloom Rustic Ales 2113 E. Admiral Blvd., Tulsa, OK, United States

It’s been 3 years but Think & Drink is back! April 13th at 6:30! Dante’s Woodfire will be open. ————— April Presentation —————— Topic: Invitation to Dream Work / Accessing Infinite Depths in Shallow Times Speaker: Jason L Williams, LMFT ———————————————————— Working with dreams is a paradoxically pragmatic approach to psychological wellbeing. Join me in […]

Think & Drink

Heirloom Rustic Ales 2113 E. Admiral Blvd., Tulsa, OK, United States

Think & Drink  Topic: "Welcome to the Jungle - The Wild Ride that is Adolescence in 2023" Speaker: Ryan Myers, LPC Date: Thursday • June 15th • 6:30p There is no denying that adolescence is a season of life that involves waves of change that tend to occur in relatively short periods of time. It […]