Trent Morrow
Volunteer, former President of the Board of Directors
Trent Morrow is the kind of guy you can depend on. He’s always willing to lend an ear, resolve a conflict or pitch in with manual labor. He’s the volunteer you know will be there to help you set up an event in the blazing heat and the one regular at committee meetings.
Trent has served more volunteer hours than any other volunteer in the last two years, putting in more than 150 selfless hours to the betterment of Kendall Whittier and service to Kendall Whittier Main Street.
Co-owner of Ziegler Art and Frame, which has been in the neighborhood since 1973, Trent grew up coming to Kendall Whittier and has watched its transformation first-hand. He joined the Kendall Whittier Main Street Board in 2014 and served for seven years, finishing out his final three years on the Executive Committee. He was Board President in 2019-20.
In September, he was named Board Member of the Year for Kendall Whittier Main Street at the 2021 Oklahoma Main Street Annual Awards Banquet. The previous year, the awards named Ziegler Art & Frame as Premier Partners.
Staff Says: “When the maintenance of the Whittier Square Parking Lot was wanning a few years ago, who was out there mowing in the heat of the summer? You guessed it, Trent! He always makes sure Kendall Whittier has its best foot forward, and you can be sure he’ll come through if you’re ever in a pinch.” – Jessica Jackson Seay, executive director.
Trent Says: “I volunteer with KWMS to make Kendall Whittier a better place. Even though Kendall Whittier has come a long way in the last few years, the neighborhood still has lots of potential. I think Tulsa has figured that out. It’s exciting that new volunteers are wanting to get involved.” – Trent Morrow
Fun Fact About Trent: Trent’s dog, Charlie, is another KW staple. They used to go skateboarding together, but now that she’s gotten a bit older, their favorite past-time is visiting KW breweries together!
Every month in 2022, Kendall Whittier Main Street will be announcing a Volunteer Spotlight. This may be an individual who has gone above and beyond on a project for Kendall Whittier Main Street that month, or it may be a long-time volunteer who deserves recognition for years of service. Those interested in volunteering can learn more here.
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