Earlier this summer, Kendall Whittier Main Street partnered with 11 local businesses to collect school supply donations for the students and faculty of Sequoyah Elementary School. We are proud to report that THOUSANDS of items were delivered to Sequoyah just in time for their first day of school! Including…

125 books from Eleanor’s Bookshop and the Kendall Whittier Library
3,224 crayons
447 glue sticks
33 backpacks
153 notebooks
… and so much more!

“This school supply drive has definitely been my favorite project so far this year,” says KWMS community engagement coordinator Sydney Alison. “Seeing the community show up to donate new supplies to Sequoyah, a school that has supported so many families in Kendall Whittier through the years, was such a great feeling.”

Sequoyah is a community working together to develop each child academically, socially, and emotionally to reach their full potential in a caring and safe environment. Their mission is to inspire and prepare every student to love learning, achieve ambitious goals and make positive contributions to our world.

Thank you to American Heritage Bank, Anthousai Florals, Circle Cinema, Eleanor’s Bookshop, Heirloom Rustic Ales, The Lawyers of KW, Kendall Whittier Library, Method Group, Pancho Anaya and Tatermash Embroidery for serving as drop-off locations, and to Flash Flood Print Studios for providing the donation boxes!

Kendall Whittier Main Street is a nonprofit organization that inspires the ongoing revitalization and growth of a historic and cultural neighborhood in Tulsa, striving to transform it back to a thriving, walkable commercial district. KWMS is a 2020 Great American Main Street Award winner and an Oklahoma Certified Cultural District.

For more information about the Kendall Whittier Main Street, please call or text 918-633-1934 or email info@visitkendallwhittier.com.


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2020 Great American Main Street Award Semifinalist







Certified Oklahoma Cultural District
Oklahoma Main Street
Main Street America Accredited Program