We are thrilled to be able to meet every one of you and strengthen The Studio’s community, so this Saturday 6/13 we will be hosting an open house from 10AM – Noon for you to come by and introduce yourself! This is extremely casual, so feel free to come and go whenever your schedule allows. We want to meet you and hear any creative ideas or thoughts you may have for the space as well as what YOU would like to see out of The Studio. The Tulsa Farmer’s Market will be happening in the Kendall-Whittier Square from 7AM-12PM, so do some shopping then swing by on your way out 🙂
As a reminder, we are offering a super sweet deal to show you our love and gratitude for each of you – book a session now through the end of June and you’ll receive 10% off your next booking in July or August. Our rates for bookings are still at their discounted COVID-19 prices through the rest of the month, but we will be returning to normal rates July 1st, so take advantage while you can
Kendall Whittier Main Street
2205 E. Admiral Blvd.
Tulsa, OK 74110
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