We are so excited to announce that we are back with our Maker’s Market, this time we are bringing you all the joys of the season! Our Holiday Maker’s Market will be Sunday 12/11 from 12PM-5PM. We are kicking off the day with an all levels donation based yoga class with @kathleennlynn at 10AM, then the market starts at noon. We are excited to have Kristin Fournier joining us to offer 15 minute üTherapeutic Chair Massages throughout the day! Massages will start at noon and occur every 20 minutes, DM us to secure a time slot and we will get you set up. Kristin is also offering a discount if you sign up early; massages booked before the 11th will be $10, and will be raised to $15 the day of! Join us for a day of rest, pampering. and some Holiday shopping with some amazing local artists and vendors! We can’t wait to see you soon
Kendall Whittier Main Street
2205 E. Admiral Blvd.
Tulsa, OK 74110
KW Weekly E-News
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